April 11, 2013
EU-India Free Trade Agreement / EU-India Vrijhandelsverdrag
| A large number of unions and civil society organizations in India
are urging for an immediate halt to the EU-India negotiations on
a free trade agreement (FTA). They express their opposition to
to the lack of transparency, public debate and democratic
process. They fear adverse socio-economic and environmental
impacts, especially for women, farmers, Dalits, Adivasi, hawkers
as well as unions, cooperatives and small/medium enterprises.
Their documents plus some studies by other organizations on
the possible impacts of the FTA can be found here.
| | Een groot aantal vakbonden en maatschappelijke organisaties
in India pleiten voor een onmiddellijke opschorting van de EU-India onderhandelingen over een vrijhandelsverdrag. Zij zijn het niet eens met het gebrek aan transparantie, publiek debat en
inspraak. Ze vrezen negatieve sociaal-economische en
milieugevolgen van het vrijhandelsverdrag voor vrouwen,
boeren, Dalits, Adivasi en straatventers, maar ook voor vakbonden,
co-operaties en kleine ondernemingen. Hun verklaringen en brieven en een aantal andere onderzoeken naar de mogelijke impact van het vrijhandelsverdrag vindt u
| |
- Letter New Trade Union Initiative to Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh (April 10, 2013)
- India: Indians in the Northeast protest the European Union Free Trade Agreement (Asian Human Rights Commission, March 14, 2013)
- Moties en Kamervragen in de Tweede Kamer
over Dalits, kinderarbeid, EU-India Vrijhandelsverdrag, de rol van de VN etc. (update 23 januari 2012)
Motions and questions in Dutch Parliament
on Dalits, child labour, EU-India free agreement, role of UN etc.
(update January 23, 2012)
- PETITION - India: Protect Our Pharmacy Industry! (AVAAZ.org)
- "Vrijhandelsverdrag EU-India is rampzalig voor voedselzekerheid" (De Wereld Morgen, 17 december 2011)
- Vrijhandelsverdrag EU-India: EP laat teveel de koopman en te weinig de dominee spreken (persbericht ChristenUnie, 9 mei 2011)
- Answer EU Commissioner De Gucht to Open Letter of several members of European Parliament (Dec 1, 2010) concerning the EU-India FTA negotiations (February 16, 2011)
- Sluit alleen vrijhandelsverdrag EU-India met stevige sociale afspraken (22 december 2010)
- Vrijhandel EU-India bedreigt armen (Nederlands Dagblad, 22 december 2010)
- Uit de behandeling van de Begroting van Buitenlandse Zaken (15-16 december 2010) (16 december 2010)
- Motie over EU-India Vrijhandelsverdrag / Motion Dutch Parliament on EU-India Free Trade Agreement (15 december 2010)
- Does EU-India FTA Serve Mutual Interests? Policymakers, NGOs Disagree (Intellectual Property Watch, December 10, 2010)
- People before profit:
Broad civil society alliance calls on European Commission to halt EU-India Free Trade Agreement warning against the disastrous impacts on people’s livelihoods (press release Traidcraft/Misereor/Wide, December 8, 2010)
- Open Letter of several members of European Parliament to Commissioner De Gucht concerning the EU-India FTA negotiations (December 1, 2010)
- EU-India Trade Talks Must Stop
People’s Health and Livelihoods at Risk (press release Asia Europe People's Forum and others, October 5, 2010)
- Vraag Europees Parlement m.b.t. Onderhandelingen vrijhandelsovereenkomst EU-India (Europees Parlement, 24 september 2010)
Question European Parliament concerning Negotiations on the free trade agreement between the EU and India (European Parliament, September 24, 2010)
- No business bias – you have got to be joking! (press release Corporate Europe Observatory, September 14, 2010)
- Corporate Lobbyists Set Agenda for EU-India Trade Deal, New Report Shows: Business Agenda Threatens Livelihoods of Millions (press release Corporate Europe Observatory / India FDI Watch, September 1, 2010)
- Trade Invaders – How big business is driving the EU-India free trade negotiations (CEO/India FDI Watch, September 2010)
- A critical review of the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment for the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the Republic of India from a gender perspective (WIDE, September 2009)
- European Parliament: Ensure that Dalits benefit from EU-India Free Trade Agreement (press release IDSN, 27 March 2009)
- EU-India: Free Trade Agreement to be signed by the end of 2010 say MEPs (press release European Parliament, 25 March 2009)
- EU-India FTA: Public interest groups detained during protest (YouTube, 17 March 2009)
- Report on an EU-India Free Trade Agreement (Sajjad Karim, European Parliament, 12 March 2009)
- Taking The Credit: How financial services liberalisation fails the poor (World Development Movement, March 2009)
- India-EU Free Trade Agreement: Should India Open Up Banking Sector? (Madhyam, March 2009)
- Letter to EP-INTA Delegation on FTA (Forum on FTAs, 26 November 2008)
- EU-India Free Trade Agreement: For Whom? (Forum on FTAs, 21 November 2008)
- The EU-India-FTA: Development and Growth for Each and Everybody? (Heinrich Böll Foundation, 10 November 2008)
- International Trade and Manufacturing Employment Outcomes in India - A Comparative Study (Kunal Sen, UNU-WIDER, October 2008)
- Indian trade unions, people's movement and civil society groups call for an immediate halt to EU-India FTA negotiations (press release Forum on FTAs, 29 September 2008)
- Statement of concern from India: Immediately halt EU-India FTA negotiations (representatives of trade unions, people's movements and civil society organisations, 21 September 2008)
- The EU-India FTA: Initial observations from a development perspective (Traidcraft, September 2008)
- FTA Watch India - A weekly digest on India's Free Trade Agreements and alternatives to free trade
Landelijke India Werkgroep / India Committee of the Netherlands - January 23, 2012