Landelijke India Werkgroep
laatste wijziging: 20-2-2014

Geweld tegen christenen in India

Dalits meestal slachtoffer

Op 24 augustus 2008 werd in de Indiase deelstaat Orissa de Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leider Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati samen met vijf collega’s vermoord. De moord werd opgeëist door de maoïsten (Naxaliten). De VHP beschuldigde echter de christenen er van achter de moord te zitten. Sindsdien zijn tientallen christenen vermoord en gewond, duizenden huizen en tientallen kerken vernield, vooral in het Kandhamal district waar relatief veel chistenen wonen. Tienduizenden mensen zijn de bossen ingevlucht.

Ook rond Kerst 2007 was er sprake van ernstig geweld tegen christenen vanuit organisaties van fanatieke hindoes, aangevuurd door Sawmi Saraswati, waarbij doden vielen en honderden huizen, winkels, kerken, kloosters en internaten werden vernield. De daders zijn nooit gepakt of vervolgd door de regering van Orissa waarin ook de hindoe-nationalistisches vertegenwoordigd is. Dit klimaat van straffeloosheid werkt in de hand dat fanatici hun gang kunnen gaan.

De meeste christenen in Orissa zijn Dalits die aan het kastensysteem probeerden te ontsnappen door een ander geloof aan te nemen (Dalits bekeren zich ook tot de islam of het boedhisme). Het geweld tegen de christenen dient voor de ‘hindoefanaten’ daarom een dubbel doel: christenen neerzetten als vijanden van het hindoeïsme en de Dalits weer ‘op hun plaats zetten’. Met dit georganiseerde geweld tegen christenen proberen zij, ook via geweld en intimidatie in andere deelstaten, ook kiezers te mobiliseren voor de nationale verkiezingen in 2009.

feb 2014: Rapport Europees Parlement over vrijheid van godsdienst en overtuiging: India en Pakistan uitgelicht (EP Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief)
28-8-2012: Activists highlight poor condition of Kandhamal survivors (UCAN India)
3-8-2012: Protest christelijke en islamitische Dalits aan Indiaas parlement (
8-5-2011: Justice still eludes the Christian victims, and many are to blame for it (John Dayal)
18-3-2011: Deep in village, thugs enforce economic boycott of Christians (John Dayal)
26-12-2010: A Christmas Update From Kandhamal (John Dayal)
8-12-2010: Maoist violence delays church restoration / The Catholic parish of Batticola village that has vanished in thin air (John Dayal)
aug 2010: Kandhamal's Forgotten Children: A status report (HAQ: Centre for Child Rights)
13-4-2010: Bhubaneswar: over de situatie van minderheden in Gujarat en Orissa (persbericht CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag)
8-3-2010: Antwoorden op kamervragen (8-2-2010) Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Van der Staaij (SGP) en Haverkamp (CDA) aan de minister en de staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken over de EU-delegatie die onderzoek doet naar de situatie van slachtoffers van hindoe-extremistisch geweld in Kandhamal, Orissa
8-2-2010: Kamervragen Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Van der Staaij (SGP) en Haverkamp (CDA) aan de minister en de staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken over de EU-delegatie die onderzoek doet naar de situatie van slachtoffers van hindoe-extremistisch geweld in Kandhamal, Orissa
5-2-2010: India: Orissa, Christian survivors to the EU: "Give us back our lives" (Asia News)
5-2-2010: More needs to be done for Kandhamal riot victims: European Union team (
5-2-2010: Kandhamal visit 'satisfactory': EU diplomats' team (Press Trust of India (PTI))
5-2-2010: Kandhamal riot victims asked to shun fear (Press Trust of India (PTI))
5-2-2010: EU team wants more help for Kandhamal riot victims (Raman Iver,
5-2-2010: EU diplomats cancel court visit after lawyers protest (Press Trust of India (PTI))
5-2-2010: Christenen Orissa nog steeds vervolgd (Nederlands Dagblad)
31-1-2010: EU team should not be allowed to visit Kandhamal : VHP (Press Trust of India (PTI))
30-1-2010: EU diplomats to visit Kandhamal on Feb 2 (Press Trust of India (PTI))
30-1-2010: Kandhamal riots case: 13 convicted, 17 acquitted (Press Trust of India (PTI))
29-1-2010: India Finally Allows EU to Visit Orissa, But No Fact-Finding (Compass Direct News)
29-1-2010: Orissa trip back on after government climbdown (
28-1-2010: Orissa allows EU delegation to visit Kandhamal (Press Trust of India (PTI))
28-1-2010: European Union cancels Orissa trip (Press Statement John Dayal)
21-1-2010: Orissa stuurt christenen uit kampen (Nederlands Dagblad)
13-1-2010: Protest Letters (Association of Victims of Kandhamal Communal Violence)
dec 2009: Aftermath of Anti-Christian Violence in Orissa State, India (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
23-7-2009: Archbishop of Orissa announces Day of Peace and Harmony (John Dayal)
10-4-2009: Situatie christenen in India nog steeds zorgelijk (Reformatorisch Dagblad)
3-4-2009: Put off poll in Kandhamal, Orissa, Archbishop tells Election Commission (Archbishop Raphael Cheenath, Bhubaneswar)
1-4-2009: BJP faces fire over nomination to riot accused (Debabrata Mohanty, Indian Express)
31-3-2009: Camp and Culpability (John Dayal)
mrt 2009: From Kandhamal to Karavali: The Ugly Face Of Sangh Parivar (fact finding report of nine Human Rights Organisations that visited Orissa & Karnataka in Sep-Oct 2008)
6-2-2009: Press Statement Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar
jan 2009: Religiously-Motivated Violence & Discrimination against Christians: January-December 2008 (Briefing Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
1-12-2008: 'Geen dag zonder geweld tegen christenen' (Nederlands Dagblad)
dec 2008: Persecution of Christians in the Indian federal state of Orissa (Report of investigation team of the Society for Threatened Peoples)
25-11-2008: Three months after start of India's unprecedented anti-Christian violence (Dr. John Dayal, All India Christian Council)
21-11-2008: Christenen in Orissa bidden voor vijanden (Reformatorisch Dagblad)
20-11-2008: Christian rally demands justice, security (Dr. John Dayal, All India Christian Council)
25-10-2008: Countering Fascist Forces: Defending the Idea of India (National Convention, 25-26 October 2008)
24-10-2008: "Orissa Police failed to protect me from rapists and attackers"
21-10-2008: Press Release Archbishop Raphael Cheenath (Cuttack, Orissa)
20-10-2008: "Christianity is part of our national heritage", Indian Prime Minister tells Kobia (World Council of Churches)
18-10-2008: Bisschop Sarat getuigt van aanhoudend geweld in Zuid-Orissa (
14-10-2008: Christians under attack in India (BBC News - South Asia)
11-10-2008: Coercing and terrorising a people into submission is not genuine dialogue (Joseph D'Souza/John Dayal, All India Christian Council)
9-10-2008: Holy war strikes India (The Independent)
5-10-2008: Orissa-like terror stalks Christians in Karnataka interiors (John Dayal, All India Christian Council)
4-10-2008: Anti-Christian Violence: The Toll, 24 August - 4 October, 2008 (John Dayal)
3-10-2008: Another Orissa district in grip of violence (Indian Express)
30-9-2008: Atrocities against Christians (Human Rights News Bulletin)
27-9-2008: Now, Karnataka (Frontline, Vol.25 No.20, Sep 27-Oct 10, 2008)
24-9-2008: EU MPs back trade deal with India, voice religion concerns / EP resolution of 24 september 2008 on the preparation of the EU-India Summit (29 September 2008) (Agence France Presse / EU)
19-9-2008: Observations and recommendations about continued violence in Kandhamal, Orissa (press release Red Cross Society, Bhubaneswar)
18-9-2008: Government of Orissa promotes violence (statement issued by AHRC, NCDHR and IDSN)
14-9-2008: State Government acquiesces in Sangh Parivar plan to wipe out Christianity from Orissa: Update 14 September (John Dayal)
13-9-2008: Communal Fire: Project Orissa / Communal card / Maoist hand? / Shock and pain / Uncertain future / Parivar's plans / Being a minority / Interview: Asghar Ali Engineer test / Conversion debate / Hindutva's second laboratory (Frontline, Vol.25 No.19, Sep 13-26, 2008)
4-9-2008: AICC demands government ban process of slaim VHP leaders ashes (press statement All India Christian Council)
29-8-2008: Kandhamal Massacres: Where is the State? - Central Government of India must stop the killings (Asian Centre for Human Rights)
28-8-2008: Ongoing violence against the Dalits in Orissa must be prevented immediately (Asian Human Rights Commission)
25-8-2008: Indian church condemns killing of Orissa VHP leader (John Dayal)
25-8-2008: Letter to the President of India - Seeking army/central forces intervention to protect Christians in Orissa as nun is raped, priest injured, churches and offices burnt in presence of police (John Dayal)
25-8-2008: Orissa anti-Christian violence - Update 25th August 2008
13-7-2008: Justice Basudev Panigrahi Judicial Commission begins Kandhamal anti-Christian violence hearings in Phulbani on 14 July 2008 (John Dayal)
6-3-2008: Still cases of discrimination Dalits and tribal Christians (John Dayal)
mrt 2008: Orissa violence figures in EU Parliament
23-1-2008: Report of the NCM visit to Orissa, 6-8 January 2008 (National Commission for Minorities)
7-1-2008: Riots in Orissa (Asian Age)
5-1-2008: (Non Government Report) On the violence in the Kandhamala District (Dr. John Dayal, Bhubaneswar)
5-1-2008: Christenen India vermoord (
4-1-2008: Christians killed, churches burned in India (The Baptist Standard)
2-1-2008: Communal cauldron: At cross purposes (Hindustan Times)
2-1-2008: Stichting Actie Calcutta: grote zorgen om geweld India (Eindhovens Dagblad)
jan 2008: Fact Finding Mission on the Violence against Dalits and Adivasis (National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights)
jan 2008: Orissa: Anti Christian Violence (Issues in Secular Politics)
31-12-2007: Christenen slachtoffer van geweld door hindoes (Nieuw Religieus Peil)
31-12-2007: Kerkleiders bezorgd over Orissa (
30-12-2007: Kandhamal’s communal cauldron on the boil (The Financial Express)
28-12-2007: Hindoes in Orissa steken huis van christen in brand (Reformatorisch Dagblad)
28-12-2007: Indiase politie schiet op hindoe-extremisten (
26-12-2007: Indiase hindoes verbranden kerken (Novum)

Landelijke India Werkgroep - 20 februari 2014