5 dec 2017:
Human Rights Defenders at serious risk in India and across the globe (PRESS RELEASE Amnesty International):
People who promote and defend human rights across the globe continue to face an onslaught of harassment, intimidation, unjust prosecution and unlawful detention, Amnesty International said today in its report, Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights.
People who promote and defend human rights across the globe continue to face an onslaught of harassment, intimidation, unjust prosecution and unlawful detention, Amnesty International said today in its report, Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights.
24 mei 2016:
India: Stop met het behandelen van critici als criminelen (PERSBERICHT Human Rights Watch):
De Indiase autoriteiten gebruiken routinematig vaag geformuleerde en te ruime wetten als politieke instrumenten om critici het zwijgen op te leggen of te intimideren, aldus Human Rights Watch in een nieuw rapport dat vandaag is vrijgegeven.
De Indiase autoriteiten gebruiken routinematig vaag geformuleerde en te ruime wetten als politieke instrumenten om critici het zwijgen op te leggen of te intimideren, aldus Human Rights Watch in een nieuw rapport dat vandaag is vrijgegeven.
12 okt 2015:
Over 3200 held in administrative detention, ‘lawless laws’ must be scrapped in India (PERSBERICHT Amnesty International India):
The continuing use of administrative detention laws in India to lock up persons without charge or trial violates the rights of both suspects and victims of human rights abuses. An interactive online map published by Amnesty International India today shows how several states continue to retain these laws to detain people on executive orders without charge or trial.
The continuing use of administrative detention laws in India to lock up persons without charge or trial violates the rights of both suspects and victims of human rights abuses. An interactive online map published by Amnesty International India today shows how several states continue to retain these laws to detain people on executive orders without charge or trial.
18 jun 2014:
VN-Mensenrechtenraad: Maak eind aan op kasten gebaseerde verkrachting en geweld - Bijeenkomst benadrukt noodzaak van concrete maatregelen (PERSBERICHT FIDSN/Human Rights Watch):
Hogere VN-mensenrechtenambtenaren riepen bij een bijeenkomst van de VN-Mensenrechtenraad op 17 juni 2014 op tot onmiddellijke actie om een eind te maken aan verkrachting en geweld tegen vrouwen op basis van kaste.
De bijeenkomst, mede gesteund door Human Rights Watch, volgde dringende wereldwijde oproepen tot actie van talrijke mensenrechtenorganisaties, VN-vertegenwoordigers, en beleidsmakers uit de hele wereld naar aanleiding van de groepsverkrachting en ophanging van twee meisjes in India op 27 mei jl.
Hogere VN-mensenrechtenambtenaren riepen bij een bijeenkomst van de VN-Mensenrechtenraad op 17 juni 2014 op tot onmiddellijke actie om een eind te maken aan verkrachting en geweld tegen vrouwen op basis van kaste.
De bijeenkomst, mede gesteund door Human Rights Watch, volgde dringende wereldwijde oproepen tot actie van talrijke mensenrechtenorganisaties, VN-vertegenwoordigers, en beleidsmakers uit de hele wereld naar aanleiding van de groepsverkrachting en ophanging van twee meisjes in India op 27 mei jl.
24 mei 2012:
Mensenrechtenactivisten woedend over falen Indiase delegatie bij aanpak Dalit-vraagstukken bij VN (PERSBERICHT NCDHR):
Dalit-mensenrechtenactivisten die in Genève bijeenkwamen voor de UN Universal Periodic Review (‘mensenrechtenexamen’) van India, zijn teleurgesteld in het antwoord van de Indiase delegatie op de grote problemen waar Dalits mee te kampen hebben.
Dalit-mensenrechtenactivisten die in Genève bijeenkwamen voor de UN Universal Periodic Review (‘mensenrechtenexamen’) van India, zijn teleurgesteld in het antwoord van de Indiase delegatie op de grote problemen waar Dalits mee te kampen hebben.
14 mei 2012:
"VN lidstaten moeten actie ondernemen om kastendiscriminatie in India uit te bannen" (PERSBERICHT HRW/IDSN):
VN lidstaten moeten de uitbanning van kastendiscriminatie tot prioriteit maken als zij India’s staat van dienst op het gebied van mensenrechten onder de loep nemen tijdens de VN Mensenrechtenraad op 24 mei a.s.
"De lidstaten van de VN moeten India oproepen tot effectieve uitvoering van wetten en programma’s om op kaste gebaseerde mensenrechtenschendingen aan te pakken", zegt Julie de Rivero, directeur pleitbezorging bij Human Rights Watch. "Een groot aantal VN mensenrechtenorganisaties en maatschappelijke organisaties eisen dat de Indiase regering haar beloftes nakomt om het leven te verbeteren van mensen die al zo lang hebben te lijden onder gruwelijke discriminatie."
VN lidstaten moeten de uitbanning van kastendiscriminatie tot prioriteit maken als zij India’s staat van dienst op het gebied van mensenrechten onder de loep nemen tijdens de VN Mensenrechtenraad op 24 mei a.s.
"De lidstaten van de VN moeten India oproepen tot effectieve uitvoering van wetten en programma’s om op kaste gebaseerde mensenrechtenschendingen aan te pakken", zegt Julie de Rivero, directeur pleitbezorging bij Human Rights Watch. "Een groot aantal VN mensenrechtenorganisaties en maatschappelijke organisaties eisen dat de Indiase regering haar beloftes nakomt om het leven te verbeteren van mensen die al zo lang hebben te lijden onder gruwelijke discriminatie."
11 mei 2011:
India failing to address its farmer suicide crisis (PERSBERICHT CHR&GJ):
The Indian government must uphold its human rights obligations by responding immediately to its farmer suicide crisis, said the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) in a new report released today. The report, Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer Suicides, Human Rights, and the Agrarian Crisis in India, looks critically at India’s farmer suicide epidemic—which has been claimed the lives of an estimated 250,000 farmers since 1995—and proposes steps that the government should take toward upholding the human rights of this vulnerable population.
The Indian government must uphold its human rights obligations by responding immediately to its farmer suicide crisis, said the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) in a new report released today. The report, Every Thirty Minutes: Farmer Suicides, Human Rights, and the Agrarian Crisis in India, looks critically at India’s farmer suicide epidemic—which has been claimed the lives of an estimated 250,000 farmers since 1995—and proposes steps that the government should take toward upholding the human rights of this vulnerable population.
13 apr 2010:
Bhubaneswar (PERSBERICHT CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag):
Ute Granold from the Christian Democratic Union and Pascal Kober from the Free Democratic Party, members of the German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundes-tag) visited India from 6th to 13th April 2010. They belong to the Human Rights Committee in the Federal Parliament. The Members of Parliament were informed about the situation of minorities in both the states of Gujarat and Orissa. Both sta-tes have been experienced incidents of communal violence.
Ute Granold from the Christian Democratic Union and Pascal Kober from the Free Democratic Party, members of the German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundes-tag) visited India from 6th to 13th April 2010. They belong to the Human Rights Committee in the Federal Parliament. The Members of Parliament were informed about the situation of minorities in both the states of Gujarat and Orissa. Both sta-tes have been experienced incidents of communal violence.
20 mrt 2008:
Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief Concludes Visit to India (PERSBERICHT UN):
Asma Jahangir, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief of the United Nations Human Rights Council, made the following statement on 20 March 2008 in Delhi at the end of her visit to India: .....
Asma Jahangir, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief of the United Nations Human Rights Council, made the following statement on 20 March 2008 in Delhi at the end of her visit to India: .....
16 okt 2007:
Open Brief aan H.M. Koningin Beatrix: 'Bespreek mensenrechten bij staatsbezoek India' (PERSBERICHT LIW):
In een open brief aan H.M. Koningin Beatrix die van 24 tot 27 oktober een staatsbezoek aan India brengt, vraagt de Landelijke India Werkgroep (LIW) aandacht voor de ‘arme kant van India’: de Dalits (‘kastelozen’), kindarbeiders en (land)arbeiders wiens rechten dagelijks worden geschonden. Ondanks de enorme economische groei is hun situatie niet verbeterd.
De LIW wijst ook op het feit dat haar medewerkers al jaren geen visum voor India krijgen en momenteel juridisch vervolgd worden door een Indiaas kledingbedrijf. Ook andere organisaties en bedrijven worden daardoor nu, en mogelijk in de toekomst, getroffen.
In een open brief aan H.M. Koningin Beatrix die van 24 tot 27 oktober een staatsbezoek aan India brengt, vraagt de Landelijke India Werkgroep (LIW) aandacht voor de ‘arme kant van India’: de Dalits (‘kastelozen’), kindarbeiders en (land)arbeiders wiens rechten dagelijks worden geschonden. Ondanks de enorme economische groei is hun situatie niet verbeterd.
De LIW wijst ook op het feit dat haar medewerkers al jaren geen visum voor India krijgen en momenteel juridisch vervolgd worden door een Indiaas kledingbedrijf. Ook andere organisaties en bedrijven worden daardoor nu, en mogelijk in de toekomst, getroffen.
16 mei 2007:
Rights Groups Issue Concerns over India Uncontested bid for Re-election to the UN Human Rights Council (PERSBERICHT FORUM-ASIA):
In an open letter addressed to Indian prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, several human rights groups, including FORUM-ASIA, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR), Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), Centre for Organisation Research and Education (CORE), South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR), Peoples Watch (PW) and others, have demanded that India honour its commitments to human rights while it goes for an uncontested bid for its re-election to the UN Human Rights Council slated for 17 May 2007 at UN General Assembly in New York.
In an open letter addressed to Indian prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, several human rights groups, including FORUM-ASIA, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR), Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), Centre for Organisation Research and Education (CORE), South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR), Peoples Watch (PW) and others, have demanded that India honour its commitments to human rights while it goes for an uncontested bid for its re-election to the UN Human Rights Council slated for 17 May 2007 at UN General Assembly in New York.
1 feb 2005:
Nepal: State of emergency deepens human rights crisis (PERSBERICHT Amnesty/Human Rights Watch/International Commission of Jurists):
King Gyanendra of Nepal today dismissed the Government, assumed direct power, and declared a nation-wide state of emergency. This action plunges the country deeper into crisis and puts the Nepalese people at even greater risk of gross human rights abuses, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said today. Widespread human rights abuses have taken place during the nine-year conflict in Nepal between government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist) rebels.
King Gyanendra of Nepal today dismissed the Government, assumed direct power, and declared a nation-wide state of emergency. This action plunges the country deeper into crisis and puts the Nepalese people at even greater risk of gross human rights abuses, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said today. Widespread human rights abuses have taken place during the nine-year conflict in Nepal between government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist) rebels.
1 jul 2003:
India: Gujarat Massacre Cases Sabotaged (PERSBERICHT Human Rights Watch):
The ringleaders of massacres committed in 2002 are still roaming free in Gujarat, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
The 70-page report, Compounding Injustice: The Government's Failure to Redress Massacres in Gujarat, examines the record of state authorities in holding perpetrators accountable and providing humanitarian relief to victims of state-supported massacres of Muslims in February and March 2002.
The ringleaders of massacres committed in 2002 are still roaming free in Gujarat, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
The 70-page report, Compounding Injustice: The Government's Failure to Redress Massacres in Gujarat, examines the record of state authorities in holding perpetrators accountable and providing humanitarian relief to victims of state-supported massacres of Muslims in February and March 2002.
7 mrt 2003:
India: Crimes against women in Gujarat - denied and unpunished (PERSBERICHT Amnesty International):
On International Women's Day Amnesty International stands in solidarity with the women of Gujarat who were victims of gender violence during the massacres which started in the state on 27 February 2002.
"More than one year after the beginning of the massacres which targeted the Muslim community, there is still no official acknowledgement on the part of the government of Gujarat and the criminal justice system in the state of the magnitude and scale with which women were made a specific target of that violence," Amnesty International said.
On International Women's Day Amnesty International stands in solidarity with the women of Gujarat who were victims of gender violence during the massacres which started in the state on 27 February 2002.
"More than one year after the beginning of the massacres which targeted the Muslim community, there is still no official acknowledgement on the part of the government of Gujarat and the criminal justice system in the state of the magnitude and scale with which women were made a specific target of that violence," Amnesty International said.
27 feb 2003:
India: Carnage in Gujarat Unpunished - Communal Violence Continues (PERSBERICHT Human Rights Watch):
One year after the beginning of communal violence in Gujarat that claimed over 2,000 lives, there have been no convictions of those responsible and little in the way of promised relief for victims, Human Rights Watch said today.
Although the Indian government initially boasted of thousands of arrests following the attacks, most of those arrested have since been released on bail, acquitted or simply let go. According to local activists, those who remain in jail largely belong to Dalit (so-called untouchable), Muslim or tribal communities. Due to manipulations in the filing of charge sheets, the instigators and ringleaders of the attacks may escape prosecution altogether.
One year after the beginning of communal violence in Gujarat that claimed over 2,000 lives, there have been no convictions of those responsible and little in the way of promised relief for victims, Human Rights Watch said today.
Although the Indian government initially boasted of thousands of arrests following the attacks, most of those arrested have since been released on bail, acquitted or simply let go. According to local activists, those who remain in jail largely belong to Dalit (so-called untouchable), Muslim or tribal communities. Due to manipulations in the filing of charge sheets, the instigators and ringleaders of the attacks may escape prosecution altogether.
26 feb 2003:
India: Gujarat one year on - The credibility of the criminal justice system is at stake (PERSBERICHT Amnesty International):
Amnesty International today (27 February 2003) expressed its solidarity with all the Hindu and Muslim victims of the Godhra and the post Godhra massacres in the state which began a year ago.
"The anniversary of the massacres, where more than 2000 people were killed, is a stark reminder to the governments of India and of Gujarat that justice must be promptly delivered to the victims and their families, if the credibility of the criminal justice system in the country is to be upheld," the organization said.
Amnesty International today (27 February 2003) expressed its solidarity with all the Hindu and Muslim victims of the Godhra and the post Godhra massacres in the state which began a year ago.
"The anniversary of the massacres, where more than 2000 people were killed, is a stark reminder to the governments of India and of Gujarat that justice must be promptly delivered to the victims and their families, if the credibility of the criminal justice system in the country is to be upheld," the organization said.
jan 1986:
Protestkampagne tegen recente golf van arrestaties mensenrechtenaktivisten (PERSBERICHT LIW):
De Landelijke India Werkgroep is gestart met een protestkampagne tegen de recente golf van arrestaties van mensenrechtenaktivisten, met name in de deelstaat Andhra Pradesh, op grond van de 'Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act' (TDAP Act). Deze wet, die in 1985 werd ingevoerd, beoogt terroristiese en ondermijnende aktiviteiten te voorkomen. In de kampagne wordt tevens de onmiddellijke vrijlating geeist van Dr. K. Balagopal, sekretaris van de Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee (APCLC) - een van de mensenrechtenorganisaties in India - en van andere mensenrechtenaktivisten.
De Landelijke India Werkgroep is gestart met een protestkampagne tegen de recente golf van arrestaties van mensenrechtenaktivisten, met name in de deelstaat Andhra Pradesh, op grond van de 'Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act' (TDAP Act). Deze wet, die in 1985 werd ingevoerd, beoogt terroristiese en ondermijnende aktiviteiten te voorkomen. In de kampagne wordt tevens de onmiddellijke vrijlating geeist van Dr. K. Balagopal, sekretaris van de Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee (APCLC) - een van de mensenrechtenorganisaties in India - en van andere mensenrechtenaktivisten.
16 aug 1982:
India-related groups and all main political parties in the Netherlands critisize human rights situation in India (PERSBERICHT LIW):
Recently a Declaration on the human rights situation in India has been published in the Netherlands (see Appendix), signed by about 20 Dutch Committees and Groups concerned with India, as well as by the 7 main political parties in the Netherlands (having 144 seats out of a total 150 seats in parliament). These parties are: Christian Democratic Party (CDA), Liberal Party (VVD), Social Democratic Party (PvdA), Democrats (D66), Radical Liberals (PPR), Pacifist Socialist Party (PSP) and Communist Party (CPN).
Recently a Declaration on the human rights situation in India has been published in the Netherlands (see Appendix), signed by about 20 Dutch Committees and Groups concerned with India, as well as by the 7 main political parties in the Netherlands (having 144 seats out of a total 150 seats in parliament). These parties are: Christian Democratic Party (CDA), Liberal Party (VVD), Social Democratic Party (PvdA), Democrats (D66), Radical Liberals (PPR), Pacifist Socialist Party (PSP) and Communist Party (CPN).
19 jul 1982:
Kritiek politieke partijen op mensenrechten in India (PERSBERICHT HOM/LIW):
Een groot aantal politieke partijen (CDA, PvdA, D66, PSP, VVD, PPR en CPN) hebben een verklaring onderschreven waarin ernstige kritiek wordt geuit op de mensenrechtensituatie in India.
Een groot aantal politieke partijen (CDA, PvdA, D66, PSP, VVD, PPR en CPN) hebben een verklaring onderschreven waarin ernstige kritiek wordt geuit op de mensenrechtensituatie in India.